Installing Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon (Tara) on Macbook Pro

After a long wait, Linux Mint 19 – code named Tara is finally released. Details of the release are on the page –> and I have downloaded the Cinnamon Desktop ISO from the torrent page –>

I am already using Linux Mint 18.3 (Sylvia) Cinnamon running on Desktop Parallels on my Macbook Pro and I wanted to upgrade to Tara. Upgrade instructions are on the following page –>

There are couple of things I noted on this page

  • Linux Mint 18.3 will be supported till year 2021
  • Did you try Linux Mint 19 ?

Hence I wanted to first try installing Linux Mint 19 as a separate parallels installation before upgrade. I installed the usual way as described in an earlier blog –>

However, when I tried first step post installation i.e., Parallels tools installation, it failed surprisingly. Disappointed, I searched for solution but could not find any at this point. Looks like there is no support currently for Ubuntu version on which Mint is built.

Hence installed Linux Mint 19 on Virtual Box.

Oracle Virtual Box is a VM software similar to Desktop Parallels. It is free to download from 

Please note in the below images, the Hard disk size selected is 90 GB in my case (not 8 GB as Mint needs more than 10 GB)

Screen Shot 2018-07-10 at 8.33.55 AMScreen Shot 2018-07-10 at 8.34.21 AMScreen Shot 2018-07-10 at 8.35.36 AMScreen Shot 2018-07-10 at 8.35.49 AMScreen Shot 2018-07-10 at 8.36.02 AMScreen Shot 2018-07-10 at 8.36.12 AMScreen Shot 2018-07-10 at 8.36.24 AM

Screen Shot 2018-07-10 at 8.54.30 AM.png

Now its time to try Fresh Linux Mint and explore the new features.

Once I tried the new features, it is time to install my required software:

Step 1: Go to Update Manager and install all the suggested updates

Step 2: My required software

WordPress app

The app I use to write and publish my blogs ( Download the app for linux (.deb) from –> and install using package manager.

Iridium Browser

I prefer Iridium brower over Firefox.  Install the browser from the site

wget -qO -|sudo apt-key add -
cat <

Once Iridium is installed, open the browser, go to setting and make Qwant search engine as default page –>

I also removed Firefox browser from the Software Manager. If required, it can be installed later.

Plank Dock

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:docky-core/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install plank

After installing to set preferences,use terminal and run

plank --preferences

Anaconda Python Distribution

Goto the following page and download the installer for Linux. I have downloaded Python 3.x version.

Goto terminal and run


In order to add desktop entry (short cut) to Anaconda Navigator, add the below code to a new file Anaconda in /usr/share/applications/

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment – Python3
Exec=bash -c ‘export PATH=”/home/srinivas/anaconda3/bin:$PATH” && /home/srinivas/anaconda3/bin/anaconda-navigator’

In order to update Anaconda, use the commands from terminal

conda update conda
conda update anaconda orconda update --all

Anaconda has in-built tools like Spyder Developement Environment and Orange Data Mining. We can create similar  desktop entries for these as well and add them to plank.

Application paths:
Spyder -> anaconda3/bin/spyder
Orange -> anaconda3/bin/orange-canvas
Qt ->anaconda3/bin/designer
Icons: search in anaconda3/pkgs/ for png file

Sqlite Studio

Can be downloaded from the page -> Download the Linux (installer)

Pycharm Community Edition

Can be downloaded from

Installation Instructions as mentioned in the site:

Unpack the pycharm.tar.gz using the following command: 
tar -xzf pycharm.tar.gz and run from the bin subdirectory

MongoDB Community Edition

Follow instructions from the page ->

Robo 3T (Formerly RoboMongo)

Can be downloaded from ->

Moving files from Mac to VirtualBox

Go to Mac –> System Preferences –> Sharing –> check fil sharing. Under options, check ‘Share Files using SMB’ and ‘Share files using AFP’ as well as user

Note the IP address (aaa.bbb.c.d)

When Logged onto Mint, type smb://aaa.bbb.c.d.

Variety (Automatically changes wallpaper)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:peterlevi/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install variety


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