Monthly Archives: January 2017

KDE Neon – A Linux distro that glows

KDE is a good looking desktop environment among the other Linux DEs. I was looking for list of Linux distros where KDE is offered as major DE.

Recently, I tried installing KDE version of OpenSUSE on my Mac as Parallels OS. Installation was a success. However, while trying to install parallels tools on openSUSE, I faced some major challenges. Hence I had to uninstall the OpenSUSE. My search for KDE based Linux distros is on.

This is when I stumbled upon KDE Neon in the Distowatch website ( KDE Neon is ubuntu based Linux distro and supposed to be always upto date w.r.t KDE Plasma updates.

You can download KDE here – I downloaded the  64 bit user edition ISO image and installed the same as a parallels desktop on my Mac. Installation was a cake walk. Next step was to install parallel tools. This was easy too – followed instructions given in the site –

Below are some screenshots of KDE Neon. At this point, I just want to give a try to the distro, tweak the Desktop look and feel as KDE is a DE that is easily configurable to look differently.

This is indeed a simple and nice looking KDE distro worth giving a try.

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Get lucky with Luckybackup

Linux Mint Serena (18.1) comes with a default backup tool called – ‘Backup Tool’. However, when I tried to backup my Home directory using the same, it was getting struck at the ‘Calculating .. ‘ step and refusing to go further.


Screenshot from 2017-01-08 18-40-41.png

Hence, I was forced to look for an alternative. Easy option was to search for backup tool in Software Manager. The first result and the ne with highest score (87) in Software Manager was ‘Luckybackup’, which is what I ended up installing.

It presents us with a simple UI. You need to add a task e.g., ‘Backup-Serena-2017-01-8’ after which there is option to choose Source and Destination (could be external hard disk). You may select the task from the task list, proceed to validate and then select the ‘Okay’ button.



Once the backup is done, you will be shown the result and the path where log file is saved. You may run through the log file to see if there are any errors and take appropriate steps.

Although, I have not explored the tool completely overall, Luckybackup seems to be a useful and simple tool for backing up your precious data.